This week, I am thankful for the opportunity to teach my daughter the value of love, compassion and generosity. is h.a.r.d. for a toddler to shop for things they like just to give them to someone else. We chose a 2-4 year-old girl for our OCC box for a reason. To make it relatable.
As we made our way through the aisles, each item that was placed in the cart was followed by an exuberant "For me?!" from the front seat. Each time, I explained that we were picking out things to send to a little girl who didn't have very much so we could share the love of Jesus with her at Christmas.
By the end of our little shopping excursion, my sweet babe's questions had changed. Instead of asking insisting that each new thing was for her, she began asking questions about the little girl who would be receiving these treasures. What's her name? Where's her house? Who is she?
While I wish I had the answers to all her questions, today, seeing the budding spirit of compassion in my little girl was enough.
What have you been thankful for this week?