One month.
One month. 30 days. 720 hours. 43,200 minutes. One trip to the ER. Two trips to the doctor's office. Three visits with a lactation consultant.
20+ hours of doula services that have saved mama's sanity.
Over 5,000 minutes of nursing (but really, who's counting...) Seven days (that felt like a decade) using a supplemental nursing system. 120 ounces of milk pumped and frozen.
One church service wrapped in a blanket because of an en route blowout. Mama didn't pack extra clothes. #rookiemistake
Number of diapers...don't really want to know.
One case of HF&M for big sister. Followed by a respiratory virus, which led to a three-day hospital stay. Five total days and nights completely segregated as a family in the first two weeks.
One K-State football game (plus one tailgate) every weekend since birth. Because #futurewildcat.
Approximately 832 daily meltdowns. Because THREE girls under ONE roof.
An embarrassing number of decaf lattes for mama. Because they're cheaper than therapy.
Long days. Short nights. Countless sweet newborn snuggles.
However you count it, we are 1/12 of the way through the first year. Just like that.
Lakyn Lee Hummel, you are loved beyond measure.