Why is it, mamas, that we so adamantly deny ourselves rest?
We measure our worth by our ability to do #allthethings, often refusing to ask for help or — even worse — actually denying it. Even from those in our so-called “tribe”…
We dig ourselves in over our heads and then suffer in silence as the "dirt" is shoveled back in on top of us. The sad part is, no one even knows it’s happening because we don't speak up. And if we do, it’s probably to offer yet another reluctant “yes” to just one. more. thing.
We bury ourselves in busy.
Over time, the busy becomes suffocating. We dig deeper and deeper until one day, we can’t breathe. We can’t see the light anymore. And then, because we are human, we succumb to the darkness. And it’s only at that point – the point of pitch black – that we are forced into the level of vulnerability required to admit…we need help.
I know this because I've been there. I am there.
I finally broke.
And in my state of brokenness, I realized…I needed rest. And I mean more than a good night’s sleep (but that wouldn’t hurt, either…)
Part of that rest is physical. It’s slowing down. It’s asking someone to watch the kids for an afternoon (thanks, husband). It’s putting off the piles of dirty laundry and being at peace with the crumb-covered floors. Or, if you’re super lucky, finding someone who can take care of those things for a day or two. It’s being ok with feeding the kids grilled cheese or frozen pizza or PB&J for the sixth day in a row. Can I get an Amen?! And yes, it’s getting an extra hour or two of sleep.
But beyond the physical rest is the really important stuff – the stuff that the physical rest makes way for.
Mental rest.
Emotional rest.
Spiritual rest.
To be cliché — it’s filling your cup.
To find physical rest, we need extra hands. We need people. We need our people.
But to find mental/emotional/spiritual rest…we need something more.
We need Jesus.
In my state of being busy, I forgot to seek rest in Him. I let the words on my never-ending "To Do" list become more important than the Word of God. I began to measure my value by my level of productivity rather than the inherent value I have because I am His. I let the shouts of the world drown out the whispers of my Heavenly Father.
Rest, child.
Even the Creator of heaven and earth took a day of rest. Why, then, wouldn’t I?
So friend...
Stop saying “yes” to the world and instead say “yes” to Him.
“Better one handful with tranquility than two handfuls with toil and chasing after the wind.” – Ecclesiastes 4:6
And if you're still struggling to ask for help, remember that the King of Kings tells us we are better off sharing the load:
“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” – Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
Ask for help. Seek Him. Rest.
With grace,