Just a January
Friend, it was just a January.
A month on the calendar.
31 days out of the 365 this year.
There is nothing magical, extraordinary or life-altering about the month of January.
It’s just another month.
…if you didn’t quite keep up with those “resolutions” (or heck, even if you never even got around to setting any)
…if you still haven’t started that new diet or taken advantage of the gym membership you so optimistically paid for
…if the meal planning went great for that first week and then got replaced with frozen pizzas and carry-out
…if your attempt to have intentional quiet time every day gets interrupted more often than not
…if you’ve felt unmotivated, apathetic or overwhelmed (or all three)
…if life has been messy and rushed and chaotic
…if you haven’t gotten enough sleep, drank enough water, or cut out the junk food
…if you just… fallen short… in whatever ways you said you wouldn’t this year
I promise it’s going to be ok. You’re going to be ok.
Did you hear me?
Yes, it was the start of a new year. Yes, it was even the beginning of a new decade.
But at the end of the day, January is just another month on the calendar. And February? It’s a new month, too.
So pick yourself up. Brush January off. And let’s all try again.
And if February doesn’t go quite as planned either…we’ve got another 10 months left in this year.